How to Deal with our Stuff so We Can Help our Kids with Jenn Dean

Jenn Dean is a parenting coach who founded Families Matter Most, an organization that helps families thrive.

Having faced difficulties and challenges in her own parenting, she knows firsthand just how tough it can be!

Jenn Dean speaks online and all over Canada offering practical tools to families through private coaching, seminars, camps, and workshops. Families Matter Most material is tailored to reach the heart. Jenn’s teaching style is lighthearted and empathetic: no judgment here!

Homeschool Mama Daily Affirmations

Character trumps academics.

Everything stops for character.

Jenn Dean, Family Coach & Podcaster at Families Matter Most

Jenn & I discuss:

  • How to homeschool a kiddo with a sensory processing disorder.
  • The most important thing in homeschooling: character development.
  • How to build self-awareness and strategies when kids are fighting or upset.
  • How to deal with my triggers when my kids are fighting or upset.
  • How we can deal without anxiety and dysregulation.
  • What a possible source of procrastination might be in your world.
  • What is the difference between fear and excitement?

Jenn encourages homeschool parents:

  • Put your kids’ reactions into perspective and respond neutrally.
  • Don’t get on the rollercoaster of your kids’ big emotions.
  • Cue your kids when you’re not in a great space.
  • Understand that sometimes under our kids’ procrastination, they may just be feeling anxious.
  • Get more comfortable with emotions that you’re not really comfortable with because you’ll relate better with the kids who aren’t like you.

You can find Jenn & her resources at:

Her Website:

Her Podcast: Families Matter Most Podcast

Her Facebook group: Families Matter Most

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed whatโ€™s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

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